Thursday, May 22, 2008

problems with imapsync

Here's something I hadn't thought about doing initially, but when I've got a long term problem, I'll try to post the steps I take to resolve it here also. That'll help me organize things and keep the full solution set for problems I've had around somewhere. So far what I've had to do was first get over a fairly stupid mistake I made, and then figure out how to get the right version of Mail-IMAPClient installed. Imapsync doesn't use the 3.0X Mail-IMAPClient so that was a problem for a while. But the stupid mistake was my misreading the version numbers on the distribution site for imapsync. I took 1.99 to mean 1.9.9 which of course would be a newer version of the software than Unfortunately for me, the real version numbers were 1.99 and 1.252 that I was looking at...clearly 252 is a much higher version number than 99. Sometimes I hate my brain.'s the problems I'm having. I've posted them to the projects freshmeat web page but I have no idea if that is a reasonable approach to getting help or not. Hopefully I'll find solutions to these problems and post them. I've got a huge amount of email I'd like to upload to gmail, and having "most" of it upload isn't nearly as good.

I've got imapsync 1.252 on an opensuse10.3 box. I finally got it to upload to gmail, but I'm having these problems:
+ NO msg #42916 [0qNSHzC8X0ZHBOB9O6qNww:1049] in Sent06
+ Copying msg #42916:1049 to folder Sent06
flags from : [\Seen]["19-Dec-2006 11:01:46 -0600"]
parse_headers want an ARRAY ref
Couldn't append msg #42916 (Subject:[0]) to folder Sent06: Error trying to append: 14796 NO Unable to append message to folder (Failure)

That happens to quite a few messages on initial attempt to sync.

Then this happens when I attempt to run it again:
Warning : no header used or found for message 17524
no header so we ignore this message

I've got another folder that gets to either
the From [Folder] Parse 1 line or the To [Folder] Parse 1 line or actually starts to upload the first message before it crashes with no further output or error messages.


Gam0ra said...

Still no idea. I get thousands of errors from some of these folders, even though they work just fine in thunderbird and mutt. No response from the author of imapsync, nor from the freshmeat page for it. Being able to sync some, but not all, of my mail archive is really stunningly less than optimal. I guess I'll have to start looking for other solutions.

Gam0ra said...

Lets say your imap root directory is:


And you have imap folders in /home/user/Mail.
If you sync them to gmail while they are in that directory you end up with a new label called Mail/blah where blah is the name of the folder.

I had many many folders with unique names, some further down the tree from Mail and ran imapsync recursively so I ended up with a ton of huge useless labels. If that's what you want, it can be useful, but keep in mind when you set up the sync that you'll be creating all of those labels, and labels become unwieldy pretty quickly.

And as my friend said, the search function in gmail is so excellent it's necessary to keep those labels and old folder names.

I've decided to keep a few specifically in order to keep some sets of conversations grouped by another means.

Oh...and if you use thunderbird as your front end for gmail, when you hit the delete key, it just moves the email from your inbox into the AllMail box. If you have a filter that redirects incoming email into a folder, then deleting it from that folder will remove the label from the email that was put there when it was assigned to the folder originally.

So...that causes me a slight problem, but I'm sure I'll figure out a way around it, or that I just don't need it.

Gam0ra said...

I talked to the friend that recommended imapsync and it turns out he had the errors and skips also. He found that rerunning the whole process repetitively eventually resolved everything. Or at least to the point where he was no longer willing to mess with it anymore.

I've found a better solution for getting Thunderbird to transfer the emails, but it's slow and manual and occasionally just doesn't work at all. Running thunderbird on the same machine that is the source Imap server, while making sure that I'm running no other imap connections to either imap server seems to work pretty well.

However...there are still email messages that just will not sync regardless of which technique I use. No useful output is generated either just "failed to append" in thunderbird or the normal imapsync errors.

This is incredibly frustrating. I don't understand how it can be possible that it is so much trouble to move emails from one place to another using the same protocol on both ends. If only google would support linux and generate an upload service/application/script/whatever.