Saturday, January 19, 2019

Model 3

I'm finally settling in with the Model 3. I don't drive much since I work from home. Truly an amazing car. The problems I have with it now are very minor indeed. Things like it's failure to play music from a USB with any kind of reasonable resume function, and it rescans the whole drive in illogical ways. But once the drive has been scanned, it does finally play songs on shuffle for the whole device, so that's just a minor annoyance.

I'm comfortable enough with the car now that I've started testing it's performance, and it is like being on rails in corners. Very impressive. I've been trying out Chill mode, which feels like molasses if you switch mid drive, but works fine if you switch at the beginning of a drive. It nicely smooths out advanced cruise control and I'd guess autopilot also, although I barely ever use autopilot so I'm not sure.

Watching the videos online of people saying things like that they can't even manage to break the model 3 free even in snow is pretty funny. It's not even a little hard to break it free from traction in the snow. It certainly does well in the snow, but not actually as well as I expected from AWD. Certainly more than sufficient and certainly more than my single rear wheel drive cars, my single front wheel drive cars or even my two front wheel drive cars have in the past. With winter tires it's probably very good, but I can't afford the car, let alone an additional set of tires for it. I drive well enough in the snow I don't really need the help anyway.

I really want to get a tint job and some sort of paint protection on the car, but I just don't have the money. Maybe in the future, although obviously the sooner the better after it's purchased. Still have to find a place to get it washed also, or maybe I'll stop being lazy and wash it myself. HA!

PowerWalls and UPS

I was having a problem with my CyberPower UPSs, two of which are quite new and the other 2 are a few years old. A friend of mine found this discussion which is extremely interesting and tells me what is going on.

Now I've got to replace 4 UPSs which is already pretty expensive, and way too expensive when working less than 50 percent full time. However, this made me realize that my UPS plan can be changed now that I've got a PowerWall. It doesn't work as a UPS, however it does condition the line a bit. Turns out not as much as I thought.

So now I'm back to replacing all 4 UPSs, but at least I don't have to cover everything for long term power outages, just short blips, so that should reduce the cost of the UPSs chosen, although I have to make sure the frequency range is suitable.