Monday, May 19, 2008

big bunch of random stuff

cold fusion has a file named registry that you can set the admin password to blank and then reset the admin passwd.

When cloning one sun machine to another with different hardware:
boot from cd/dvd and partition the drives correctly
newfs the drives
ufsrestore from the tape
ufsdump the new drives
modify /etc/hosts /etc/nodename /etc/hostname.<eth#> for new info
ok boot cdrom -s
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /a <--- t3 is being used as an example only
# cd /tmp/dev
# tar cvfp - . | ( cd /a/dev; tar xvfp - )
# cd /tmp/devices
# tar cvfp - . | ( cd /a/devices; tar xvfp - )
# cd /tmp/root/etc
# cp path_to_inst /a/etc/path_to_inst

NOTE: The vfstab file may need to be edited at this time to make
changes to the target address

# cd /tmp/root; umount /a; halt
ok boot -rv

find cd rom on solaris
cfgadm -al | grep CD
then as an example of vfstab:
/dev/dsk/c1t6d0s0 - /cdrom hsfs - no -


setting up mirrors on v210s
format drives to make partitions the same
metadb -a -c3 -f c1t0d0s7
metadb -a -c3 c1t1d0s7
vi /etc/lvm/ and list mirrors
metainit -f d11
metainit -f d21
metainit -f d31
metainit -f d41
metainit d10
metainit d20
metainit d30
metainit d40
edit vfstab to boot to meta devices instead of slices and preserve / slice vfstab entry
metaroot d10
init 6
metainit d12
metainit d22
metainit d32
metainit d42
metattach d10 d12
metattach d20 d22
metattach d30 d32
metattach d40 d42
metastat d10
swap -l
dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d20
metastat | grep -v "State: Okay"

If you have to boot back to the slice instead of the metadevice remember that /etc/system has a line about the root boot device or use "metaroot /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0"

jobs is the command to see fg/bg jobs
smpatch analyze to get a list of patchs available.
showrev -p then grep for patch number to see current patchs
updatemanager is the patch manager on solaris 10
<cfgadm -c [un]configure c1> configs or unconfigs device list c1 shown by
command <cfgadm -al>
devfsadm finds new hardware attached
iostat -En displays all device errors in descriptive format
netbackup commands:
bpps -a shows all running processes
jnbSA is the graphical interface to netbackup
bp.kill_all to kill all processes (not elegant)
get_license_key to add/delete/list licenses
sgscan to scan for devices


When mysql gets the error:
"Database page corruption on disk or a failed
InnoDB: file read of page"
delete the ibdata1, ib_logfile* and then restart mysql and it should work.
There may also be:
"Warning: an inconsistent page in the doublewrite buffer" errors.


mrtg for throughput thru switchs

robtest - netbackup robot test software


ma - to mark a spot in vi
d'a - deletes back to that spot

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