Thursday, January 27, 2011

Xcel Solar Rewards

Well, this is just incredibly disappointing. It's not like I expected a lot, but this undershot that by magnitudes. According to Xcel they are paying me $0.02857/kWh and I generated 680kWhs more than I used last year. So my Solar Rewards for this year are a whopping $19.43. Pays for the mandatory connection fee for two months. So...that just sucks. Once I've done my taxes for this year I'll be able to calculate the actual expected payoff for the solar panels and how much it's saving me a year and all that. With any luck it will be of more value each year for a while as I refine my ability to use less electricity and generate more.

By the way, they are charging me close to twice what they are paying me for electricity. Fuckers.

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