Friday, July 9, 2010

Power bill.

My power bill for June was $19.22. I used 0 electricity and 0 gas. That's $19.22 just for being connected to their service and the idiotic fees they charge.

I think I can live with $20 power bills for 6 months out of the year.


Tim Catellier said...

Sitting here, staring at my $240 bill, I'm finding I feel a tad jealous. It's only going to get worse. It was 116 °F today!

Gam0ra said...

Possibly you should consider moving out of hell.

I'm really looking forward to finding out how big the check I get at the end of the year is. I figure I'm generating about 500 kwh/month all summer long at about $.032/kwh so I should get about $100 back which should cover the connection fees for that 6 months. Add in the $80/month I"m not paying in the summer and the $100 I"m not paying in the winter and that's about $1000 I'm saving a year.